Wednesday, August 3


I hate censorship so fucking much.
Anyone who endorses the banning of any form of media. I despise you.

I just hears of a group called M.A.H.R(Mothers against hard rock).

They are trying to ban punk bands from playin in most parts of the US. I am not a fan of punk music. But still, why... why do those mothers hate hard rock so much. Were they just former groupies of hard rock bands that never slept with the band, and held a grudge. Why hate fight something that alot of people love. I'm not saying join the group but tollerate the god damn music.

Unless those mothers have a really good reason why to ban punk bands from 48 states then I would understand. But to do it for the sake of getting rid of it, people are truly stupid. Am I the last intellegent person on the planet.

What ever happend to the first ammendment...


Blogger Mr. Mandred said...

Censorship ruins a lot of jokes on The Daily Show for me.

8:43 PM  

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