Thursday, July 28

I Miss TechTV

Hey Gamers!

The words of Martin Sargent greeting the G4 based viewers to the last episode of his show, Unsrewed.

Michael Caine has taken the Unscrewed crew along with him to his tea plantation. All of them...

Marty,Swish,Joey The Intern, The Ambassador of Gay, Ricky Kang, and all the very talented lawyers and hot producers.

The company G4 took over TechTV the best cahnnel ever. I watched the San Francisco based network like crazy. But, a soon while after I discovered it... it wasn't available. I can't explain why but the channel just unavailable due to Comcast, asking me to buy it to view it.

After a while my friends showed me G4, a gaming channel. I thought, cool a channel close to TechTV, I was wrong... very wrong. It sucked. No show was seemed watchable.

About a month later... I turned to the former channel TechTV, and to my suprise The Screen Savers was on the air. One of my favorite shows.

The channel was no longer just TechTV but G4TechTV.

Enjoyable because it was showing many TechTV shows.

Well long story short, Unscrewed was cancelled... The Screen Savers got rid of their original cast thrice. And after turned it into Attack Of The Show.

And many more changes.

The reason I bring up Unscrewed is becasue I watched it when it was on TechTV, and now I really appreciate it becasue I realized... its thanks to Martin Sargent and the rest of the crew for helping me think diffrently. That show helped my mind evolve. Along with TSS (The Screen Savers), TechTV helped me mature mentally.

Danm you G4 for not only taking away everything about TechTV.

I download the torrent of the last episode of Unscrewed. It was filled with attacks against G4 from the beginning. As I watched the episode I practically came to tears.

I miss TechTV. I hope Martin Sargent gets another show with all the orginal cast and they return to San Francisco.


Blogger Unknown said...

I found your blog on a whim when i searched "I miss TechTV".

I totally agree. The only show left from the TechTV days is Xplay. All the rest are gone. Their production is crap only trying to market to kids. Nothing is really informative. about 3/4th of the channel now is Reruns of Cops, Cheaters, and Ninja Warriors. G4 has totally taken a good network and fucked it up entirely. I fully see G4 being discontinued itself soon. outside of Ninja Warrior and Xplay they have nothing redeeming about their network.

it's really sad what's happened to them.

7:14 PM  
Blogger someonesouttogetme said...

WOW, I found your blog after I to searched "I miss TechTV" that is weird. And i still miss it after all these years.
What we need is a petition

8:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Man I almost cried when they took the best network on tv TechTV and turned it into a crappy version of MTV aimed at 12 year old gamers. What a load of fucking bullshit. G4 is one of the worst stations on TV now it is so obviously owned by the same jackass who owns MTV.

2:09 PM  

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