Friday, July 29

A Bored Geek

The reason im posting anything right now is because I am so bored. I am listen to podcasts and watchin comedy central in my underwear. I have nothing important to say today. My mind hit a dead zone and at this point I cant think. I am listening to TWiT(This Week in Tech) podcast. If by now you havn't guessed... yes I am a geek.


1.Someone who spends alot of time and energy in a certain area

I am not just any geek but a computer geek. I'm in love with computers. There a many kinds of geeks.

mathematics geek, band geek, computer geek, politics geek, geography geek, geek of the natural sciences, music geek, history geek, Good Eats geek (Briners), linguistics geek, sports geek, figure skating geek, SCA geek, gaming geek, ham radio geek, public transit geek (metrophiles), anime and manga geek (otaku), Stargate geek (Stargate SG-1/Atlantis fans, Gaters), Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel geek, Star Wars geek, Star Trek geek (Trekkie), Tolkien or fantasy geek (Tolkienite),film geeks

Get my point?

So... being a bored computer geek at 2 in the morning is not the best thing. I need something to do.

HELP! I need somebody. HELP! Not just anybody. HELP! You know I need someone. HELP!

Thursday, July 28

I Miss TechTV

Hey Gamers!

The words of Martin Sargent greeting the G4 based viewers to the last episode of his show, Unsrewed.

Michael Caine has taken the Unscrewed crew along with him to his tea plantation. All of them...

Marty,Swish,Joey The Intern, The Ambassador of Gay, Ricky Kang, and all the very talented lawyers and hot producers.

The company G4 took over TechTV the best cahnnel ever. I watched the San Francisco based network like crazy. But, a soon while after I discovered it... it wasn't available. I can't explain why but the channel just unavailable due to Comcast, asking me to buy it to view it.

After a while my friends showed me G4, a gaming channel. I thought, cool a channel close to TechTV, I was wrong... very wrong. It sucked. No show was seemed watchable.

About a month later... I turned to the former channel TechTV, and to my suprise The Screen Savers was on the air. One of my favorite shows.

The channel was no longer just TechTV but G4TechTV.

Enjoyable because it was showing many TechTV shows.

Well long story short, Unscrewed was cancelled... The Screen Savers got rid of their original cast thrice. And after turned it into Attack Of The Show.

And many more changes.

The reason I bring up Unscrewed is becasue I watched it when it was on TechTV, and now I really appreciate it becasue I realized... its thanks to Martin Sargent and the rest of the crew for helping me think diffrently. That show helped my mind evolve. Along with TSS (The Screen Savers), TechTV helped me mature mentally.

Danm you G4 for not only taking away everything about TechTV.

I download the torrent of the last episode of Unscrewed. It was filled with attacks against G4 from the beginning. As I watched the episode I practically came to tears.

I miss TechTV. I hope Martin Sargent gets another show with all the orginal cast and they return to San Francisco.

Wednesday, July 27

Game Over

I found this article on digg. It's kinda a follow up of my previous post. Its by Steven Johnson, author of "Everything Bad Is Good For You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter":

Hillary vs. the Xbox: Game over

Senator, would your probe of video games also take a look at the substantial benefits they can provide?

Dear Sen. Clinton:

I'm writing to commend you for calling for a $90-million study on the effects of video games on children, and in particular the courageous stand you have taken in recent weeks against the notorious "Grand Theft Auto" series.

I'd like to draw your attention to another game whose nonstop violence and hostility has captured the attention of millions of kids — a game that instills aggressive thoughts in the minds of its players, some of whom have gone on to commit real-world acts of violence and sexual assault after playing.

I'm talking, of course, about high school football.

I know a congressional investigation into football won't play so well with those crucial swing voters, but it makes about as much sense as an investigation into the pressing issue that is Xbox and PlayStation 2.

Your current concern is over explicit sex in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas." Yet there's not much to investigate, is there? It should get rated appropriately, and that's that. But there's more to your proposed study: You want to examine how video games shape children's values and cognitive development.

Kids have always played games. A hundred years ago they were playing stickball and kick the can; now they're playing "World of Warcraft," "Halo 2" and "Madden 2005." And parents have to drag their kids away from the games to get them to do their algebra homework, but parents have been dragging kids away from whatever the kids were into since the dawn of civilization.

So any sensible investigation into video games must ask the "compared to what" question. If the alternative to playing "Halo 2" is reading "The Portrait of a Lady," then of course "The Portrait of a Lady" is better for you. But it's not as though kids have been reading Henry James for 100 years and then suddenly dropped him for Pokemon.

Another key question: Of all the games that kids play, which ones require the most mental exertion? Parents can play this at home: Try a few rounds of Monopoly or Go Fish with your kids, and see who wins. I suspect most families will find that it's a relatively even match. Then sit down and try to play "Halo 2" with the kids. You'll be lucky if you survive 10 minutes.

The great secret of today's video games that has been lost in the moral panic over "Grand Theft Auto" is how difficult the games have become. That difficulty is not merely a question of hand-eye coordination; most of today's games force kids to learn complex rule systems, master challenging new interfaces, follow dozens of shifting variables in real time and prioritize between multiple objectives.

In short, precisely the sorts of skills that they're going to need in the digital workplace of tomorrow.

Consider this one fascinating trend among teenagers: They're spending less time watching professional sports and more time simulating those sports on Xbox or PlayStation. Now, which activity challenges the mind more — sitting around rooting for the Packers, or managing an entire football franchise through a season of "Madden 2005": calling plays, setting lineups, trading players and negotiating contracts? Which challenges the mind more — zoning out to the lives of fictional characters on a televised soap opera, or actively managing the lives of dozens of virtual characters in a game such as "The Sims"?

On to the issue of aggression, and what causes it in kids, especially teenage boys. Congress should be interested in the facts: The last 10 years have seen the release of many popular violent games, including "Quake" and "Grand Theft Auto"; that period has also seen the most dramatic drop in violent crime in recent memory. According to Duke University's Child Well-Being Index, today's kids are less violent than kids have been at any time since the study began in 1975. Perhaps, Sen. Clinton, your investigation should explore the theory that violent games function as a safety valve, letting children explore their natural aggression without acting it out in the real world.

Many juvenile crimes — such as the carjacking that is so central to "Grand Theft Auto" — are conventionally described as "thrill-seeking" crimes. Isn't it possible that kids no longer need real-world environments to get those thrills, now that the games simulate them so vividly? The national carjacking rate has dropped substantially since "Grand Theft Auto" came out. Isn't it conceivable that the would-be carjackers are now getting their thrills on the screen instead of the street?

Crime statistics are not the only sign that today's gaming generation is doing much better than the generation raised during the last cultural panic — over rock 'n' roll. Math SAT scores have never been higher; verbal scores have been climbing steadily for the last five years; nearly every indicator in the Department of Education study known as the Nation's Report Card is higher now than when the study was implemented in 1971.

By almost every measure, the kids are all right.

Of course, I admit that there's one charge against video games that is a slam dunk. Kids don't get physical exercise when they play a video game, and indeed the rise in obesity among younger people is a serious issue. But, of course, you don't get exercise from doing homework either.

Tuesday, July 26


For a few weeks now, the game GTA San Andreas has been getting heat from alot of people. And now the game has been recalled by the ESRB to give it an adult rating.

People Giving GTA Heat:
  • White Suburbanites
  • Soccer Moms
  • Ignoramaces
  • Republicans
  • White Exremists

Its a pattern... people who they are doing good by censoring everything possible. To "Protect" the youth of the nation. I say fuck the youth's mentality. They are already messed up enough. 70% of the teens in the US have internet access. They know alot about sex. Trust me... I am part of that statistic.

The "Hot Coffe Mod" as its called, is a mod. Why don't politicans understand. If a person has to get 3rd party applications to unlock the sex scene in a game... its not the developers fault. Get off the backs of Rockstar and start targeting the people who created the mod.

White America should ease up.

I am a user. I love the site. But all I've been seen for a long time is the GTA nonsense. Why does America focus on such remidial crap... if somone says the word "Fuck" on basic cable hell raises and thy name is suburbia.

I leave you with this...censorship is wrong. Let the Bill of Rights be upheld.