Tuesday, September 6

Things That I Hate


I hate Bicycles, and Bicyclists.
I just hate them so fucking much.
They are so annoying, those damn hippies think they're better than me becasue they have two wheels. Those pieces of crap. And i Live in SF, so many fucking hippie bicycle pieces of crap. I also went to Amsterdanm... oh my god, i almost killed went on a rampage, eveyone was on a bicycle those damn arian pieces of crap. I could have killed them, but I didnt because they are pot smoking hippies that dont know any better. Amsterdam had freakin' parking lots for bicycles that were 4 stories. Next time I go to Amsterdam I'm gonna push over every bicyclist that comes near me.

Today a bicyclist came hella close to me smiling and going slower than me. I almost ran into it, I got so pissed I was about to swear at them, but I didnt. The only reason I did it was because I took Atenolol, a drug that lowers heart rate and eases people.

Thanks to perscription drugs, I didnt kill a bicyclist, DAMMIT DRUGS, I would have made many people happy by gettin rid of that person. Bicyclist mainly piss me off because they always have the right of way. They can run red lights and get in front of cars with out being charged with jay-walking. Bicycles make the world cleaner i understand that, but they pollute it by taking up space on streets and sidewalks slowing people down.

Bicycles must die, Just walk... just walk.

Damn pricks on bicycles.